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PACK OF 25 - SS421


European grounded universal plug adapter

Product Code: SS421   Product ID: 13201
Product sold by: samstores.com

$ 49.5

Availability: In Stock New

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European grounded universal plug adapter. Converts any plug into a grounded shucko Euro/Asian plug. Perfect for all countries that use 2 round pins like Germany, Italy, India, Greece, Russia, etc.....



One can have a foreign trip for studies, business or for vacations but every visit have its own value and memories. It’s always suggested that whenever you go abroad, you must carry plug converter with you. The power distribution system of European countries is different from America. There you cannot connect your American equipment directly with receptacles. For connecting your equipment in European countries you need plug converter which you can get from Sam Stores. Pack of 25 - SS421 European grounded universal plug adapter is good for connecting the equipment in European receptacles. 

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