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EWI 4050-EX220 220-240 VOLT/ 50 HZ


220-240 Volt, 50Hz, Cash Register with Alphanumeric 16 digit display, Fast, heavy duty Epson M-U420 (3 lps) dot matrix printer, Easy-change cassette ribbon and paper rolls, Solid state, battery backed memory (approx. 500 hrs.), 44 mm receipt and audit rolls, Space-saving design with optional remote cash drawer, Up to 50 cashiers by ID number "sign on", Up to 15,000 Plus by number entry or scanning, RS232C Communications for scanners and PCs, IRC for consolidated reporting, Customer Hold Feature,

Product Code: EW-4050EX220   Product ID: 10359
Product sold by: samstores.com

$ 654.99

Availability: In Stock New

Shipping Information:

Ship within 24 hours. Most orders delivered to any of the 48 US states in just 3-10 business days!

EWI 4050-EX220

220-240 Volt, 50Hz, Cash Register with Alphanumeric 16 digit display, Fast, heavy duty Epson M-U420 (3 lps) dot matrix printer, Easy-change cassette ribbon and paper rolls, Solid state, battery backed memory (approx. 500 hrs.), 44 mm receipt and audit rolls, Space-saving design with optional remote cash drawer, Up to 50 cashiers by ID number "sign on", Up to 15,000 Plus by number entry or scanning, RS232C Communications for scanners and PCs, IRC for consolidated reporting, Customer Hold Feature, 24 digit alphanumeric receipt, Training mode.

Product Specification:

Product Type:Cash Register

EWI 4050-EX220 220-240 Volt/ 50 HZ is the best cash register for your business. It comes loaded with alphanumeric 16 digit display and quick, heavy duty Epson M-U420 (3 lps) dot matrix printer. Some of its great features include easy-change cassette ribbon and paper rolls, battery backend memory and space saving design. You will get many more features that will help you keep track of transactions and speed up checkouts.

What you get

  • Best cash register for your business
  • Alphanumeric 16 digit display, heavy duty Epson M-U420 (3 lps) dot matrix printer
  • Easy-change cassette ribbon and paper rolls, battery backend memory and space saving design

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